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Bike & Ride

Cycling is a great way to stay fit, and help you get to and from you first and last mile destinations.


How to Load Your Bike on a Bus

All EMBARK buses are equipped with a bike rack on the front that can hold two or three bikes. Bikes are not allowed inside buses unless they can collapse to the size of a standard piece of luggage to ensure that the aisle stays clear. Here's how you can still bring your bike with you for your bus ride!

Loading Your Bike

  1. Make sure the bus stops completely and the driver acknowledges you before you step in front of the bus. Never approach a stopped bus from the street side, as you cannot safely determine when a driver is about to leave a stop. Ensure your bike is secure.
  2. Squeeze the handle on the top of the rack and lower it. Place your bike in the rack and place the bar over your front wheel (as close to the frame as possible).
  3. Remove any loose items or valuables from your bike, including panniers, then board the bus and pay your fare.

Unloading Your Bike

  1. Exit through the front door and let the driver know that you have a bike to remove. Never step in front of the bus until you are sure the driver sees you.
  2. Remove your bike and fold up the rack if it is empty.
  3. Go to the nearest curbside. Never cross in front of the bus, as passing traffic cannot see you.

How to Load Your Bike on a Streetcar

Different from the buses, bikes are welcome inside the OKC Streetcar! Each streetcar has level boarding for an easy roll on board and two bike hooks to hang your ride. Learn how to load and unload your bike on a streetcar below.

Loading Your Bike

  1. Wait for the streetcar to come to a complete stop at the platform and the doors to open. Once stopped, roll your bike on board. Do not ride your bike on to the streetcar, to help keep our other riders safe.
  2. You may stand with your bike in the center of the car or you may hang it on one of the two bike hooks.
  3. To hang your bike, make sure no one is occupying the priority seating near the hook. Then, lift your bike and place the wheel over the hook. It will hang vertically throughout your ride.

Unloading Your Bike

  1. Check the area around you so you don't accidentally bump someone while lifting your bike.
  2. Remove your bike wheel from the hook and place the bike back on the ground of the platform.
  3. When the streetcar comes back to a complete stop at a platform and the doors open, once again roll your bike off the streetcar. Do not ride your bike off the streetcar or the platform.
  4. Head to the nearest crosswalk to keep your ride going! Remember, if you must cross in front of a streetcar, give at least 10ft between you and it so that other traffic can safely see you crossing.

How to Load Your Bike on a RAPID Bus

All RAPID buses are equipped with a bike rack on the front that can hold three bikes. Although RAPID has level boarding like the OKC Streetcar, bikes are not allowed inside RAPID buses unless they can collapse to the size of a standard piece of luggage to ensure that the aisle and doorways stay clear. Here's how you can still bring your bike with you for your bus ride:

Loading Your Bike

  1. Make sure the bus stops completely, and the driver acknowledges you before you step in front of the bus. Never approach a stopped bus from the street side, as you cannot safely determine when a driver is about to leave a stop.
  2. Squeeze the handle on the top of the rack and lower it. Place your bike in the rack and place the bar over your front wheel (as close to the frame as possible). Ensure your bike is secure.
  3. Remove any loose items or valuables from your bike, including panniers, then board the bus and pay your fare.
  4. If the bus's bike rack is full, wait 12-15 minutes for the next vehicle with an open rack slot to load your bike.

Unloading Your Bike

  1. Exit through the front door and let the driver know that you have a bike to remove. Never step in front of the bus until you are sure the driver sees you.
  2. Remove your bike and fold up the rack if it is empty. Do not ride your bike off the RAPID platform.
  3. Go to the nearest curbside or crosswalk to keep your ride going. Never cross in front of the bus, as passing traffic cannot see you.

Safety Tips

  • Wear helmets, bright clothing, and protective gear when riding.
  • Know how to cross OKC Streetcar tracks at 90-degree angles when Downtown.
  • Follow signs, signals, and road markings, and use crosswalks and bike lanes when available.
  • Know your limitations – use streets and routes that are suited to your personal skills.
  • Never tailgate a transit vehicle or cross in front of a moving transit vehicle; they can't react quickly.
  • Watch for motorists opening vehicle doors in your path; don't swerve into the lane, other vehicles, or an OKC Streetcar track gap.

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