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Projects & Planning

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Bus > 2024 MAPS 4 Transit Improvements

Phase 1 includes $4.3 million to improve bus stops across the city that were deemed the highest priority based on daily ridership.


MAPS4, Planning

Bus > 2023 OKC Moves: A Regional Bus Study

OKC Moves is a Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA) with the purpose of assessing the existing conditions of transit service in Central Oklahoma and exploring ways to improve the transit system.

Bus > 2023 RAPID Bus Rapid Transit

The Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project will be Central Oklahoma’s first BRT line and will provide a premium transit service to Northwest OKC residents through more frequent service with enhanced vehicles, stations and passenger amenities.

Bus > 2023 Go Norman Transit Plan

Projecting 10 years into the future, the Go Norman Transit Plan identified many recommendations for transit improvements in Norman. Including additional frequency, Sunday service, expanded service coverage, and expanded hours on weekdays and Saturdays, these recommendations were put into phases to help guide the City in making improvements strategically as funding becomes available.

Bus > 2013 Downtown Alternatives Analysis

The Greater Downtown Circulator AA was the first planning step toward carrying out the metro area’s Fixed Guideway Plan, and focused only on downtown and health center mobility.

Bus > 2005 - 2030 Fixed Guideway Study

The Fixed Guideway Plan identifies potential regional transit solutions that improve connections among metro area’s growth centers, enhance economic development opportunities, improve mobility, expand transportation options and improve air quality.

Bus > 2001 Long-Range Transit Plan

The Long Range Transit Plan's purpose was to provide a picture of the future steps and funding opportunities essential to the bus, rail, vanpool, bus stop, technology and improvements needed for the greater Oklahoma City region.

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