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Bus > Community Involvement

At EMBARK, we care for our community and strive to make sure everyone in Central Oklahoma has access to the information and essential services that are critical to health, well-being, and economic opportunity. Whether it’s providing transit training courses, participating in local community events, or speaking to civic groups and neighborhood associations, EMBARK strives to be an active and accessible community partner.

Bus > OKC Moves Service Changes - Effective 12/3/2023

On Sunday December 3 the OKC Moves Service changes go into effect including the merging of route three and route five and the launch of RAPID Northwest.

Jul 20, 2022

Bus > EMBARK Releases 2021 Customer Satisfaction Findings

EMBARK officials recently released findings from the 2021 Transit Rider Survey for its fixed-route bus and OKC Streetcar services.

Oct 06, 2021

Bus > EMBARK Board Hears Findings Report on State of Bus Transit in Oklahoma City

EMBARK leadership presented a set of recommendation scenarios, developed from the OKC Moves Regional Bus Study to its board of trustees summarizing several months of market research, technical analysis, and customer and staff input.

Apr 10, 2021

Bus > EMBARK Launches OKC Moves Transit Improvement Study

The year-long study seeks to identify immediate and future needs while forecasting demographics, land use, and major employment development.

Mar 10, 2021

Bus > Virtual Town Halls Set for OKC’s First Bus Rapid Transit Route

The live presentation includes preliminary plans, summarizing the 30% progress report, construction schedules, and station renderings.

Jun 03, 2019

Bus > EMBARK Celebrates Bus Stop improvement program’s 100th Bus Shelter

New shelter represents EMBARK’s commitment to quality facilities and service enhancements.

Nov 22, 2016

Bus > EMBARK Releases FY16 Survey Results

EMBARK recently released its Fiscal Year 2016 research results revealing that investment in public transportation is important to Oklahoma City’s long-term future, while existing customers would like to see service enhancements continue.

Dec 06, 2011

Bus > City Council to Hold Parking Workshop

Topics include Oklahoma City's public parking history, the role of publicly-owned parking, characteristics and best practices of successful parking operations and public parking policies.

Bus > 2023 RAPID Bus Rapid Transit

The Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project will be Central Oklahoma’s first BRT line and will provide a premium transit service to Northwest OKC residents through more frequent service with enhanced vehicles, stations and passenger amenities.

Bus > 2023 Go Norman Transit Plan

Projecting 10 years into the future, the Go Norman Transit Plan identified many recommendations for transit improvements in Norman. Including additional frequency, Sunday service, expanded service coverage, and expanded hours on weekdays and Saturdays, these recommendations were put into phases to help guide the City in making improvements strategically as funding becomes available.

Bus > 2020 Downtown Parking Management Study

This study provides analysis and information to help Downtown embrace new parking management practices and define how parking management can continue to evolve to serve the community.

Bus > 2013 Downtown Alternatives Analysis

The Greater Downtown Circulator AA was the first planning step toward carrying out the metro area’s Fixed Guideway Plan, and focused only on downtown and health center mobility.

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