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Bus > Vanpool

EMBARK is on a mission to provide, and promote, alternative transportation options that reduce single occupancy vehicle (SOV) usage, improve mobility, enhance air quality, and conserve energy.

Jul 20, 2022

Bus > EMBARK Releases 2021 Customer Satisfaction Findings

EMBARK officials recently released findings from the 2021 Transit Rider Survey for its fixed-route bus and OKC Streetcar services.

Apr 21, 2017

Bus > EMBARK Seeks Public Input on Fares

EMBARK is hosting a series of listening sessions and a survey to collect input from the public about integrating and simplifying payment options for their different transit and parking services, including: bus, bike share, parking, ferry and the future Oklahoma City Streetcar.

Apr 19, 2017

Bus > EMBARK Offers Free Bus and Spokies Rides for Earth Day

The goal of free rides is to encourage people to take the bus or other public transit instead of their car to reduce harmful emissions. One EMBARK bus can replace up to 35 vehicles.

Feb 28, 2017

Bus > EMBARK Launches New Transit Option - Rideshare

Rideshare is a program where EMBARK leases an SUV or a van to a group who wants to ride together to and from work and share a similar schedule.



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