EMBARK partners with many community organizations to provide a wide range of transportation programs to meet the diverse needs of the community. Through these programs, qualified customers maintain independence and access community services by arranging their own transportation.
EMBARK's Plus paratransit service is a shared-ride public transportation and to participate you must have completed the following eligibility process.
EMBARK's Plus paratransit service is a shared-ride public transportation and to participate you must have completed the following eligibility process.
Spokies aims to provide riders with a healthy, affordable, eco-friendly transit option in Oklahoma City.
Landings are the anchored platforms where guests embark and disembark the vessels. Landings have railed pathways and are ADA accessible for mobility devices, strollers, and bikes.
EMBARK is expanding its award-winning Climb Ride program to support youth ages 17 to 24 participating in Pivot's Transitional Living Program (TLP).
New CNG Buses Will Replace Last Remaining Diesel Fixed-route Vehicles; Facility Design and Planning Work Will Support Expansion of Central Oklahoma’s Transit System
Public invited to try transit and ride bus and streetcar free on Saturday, April 22
EMBARK has been awarded nearly $6.8 million from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) to purchase new buses and vans. The new additions to the fleet will be compressed natural gas (CNG) and electric vehicles (EV).
he grant will fund a complete software replacement for EMBARK’s Mobility Management Division, which provides a range of transportation services for Central Oklahoma seniors, individuals with disabilities, low-income individuals, and other transit-dependent residents.
Grant, Mobility, Mobility Management, Partnership, Disability, Seniors
Ceremony Marks Construction Start for Bus Rapid Transit System
The New RAPID Fleet Includes Nine CNG Vehicles, Construction Starts Next Month
Climb Ride Program Report Links Public Transit to Positive Child Welfare Case Outcomes
Spokies Bike Share Adds 53 Pedal-Assist Bikes.
The Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority Board of Trustees recently approved “RAPID” as the name for EMBARK’s Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system.
EMBARK is teaming up with community organizations to provide free vaccines and health services to the public.
The shopping shuttle provides weekly, round-trip outings and is arranged at no cost to individuals who are at least 60 years old or have a disability.
In celebration of Earth Day, EMBARK today unveiled its new Clean Natural Gas Facility along with the state’s first electric fixed-route bus and charging stations that will serve Central Oklahoma residents.
The live presentation includes preliminary plans, summarizing the 30% progress report, construction schedules, and station renderings.
Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), EMBARK will receive $666,661 to replace two EMBARK Plus paratransit buses and one fixed route transit bus with new alternative-fueled vehicles.
EMBARK has successfully arranged a contract amendment with long-time partner Hornblower Marine Services (HMS), to restore partial operations of Oklahoma River Cruises next month through a public private partnership.
EMBARK has been awarded a grant to add a new Oklahoma River Cruise landing at the First Americans Museum.
100 New ADA Accessible Bus Shelters Have Been Installed Since Last July.
Low Emission Vehicle Program Funds New Electric Bus for Oklahoma City
The service is free, provided by EMBARK through a grant-funded partnership with Areawide Aging Agency, with funding through the federal Older Americans Act.
Through the implementation of the Haul Pass program and improvements to the city’s transit services, we can continue to provide affordable, sustainable transit for our students and all residents of Oklahoma City.
EMBARK will begin offering free non-emergency medical trips to qualified Canadian County residents in 2020, thanks to a grant from Areawide Aging Agency.
EMBARK Well, a pilot program to provide free, round-trip, door-to-door service for adults age 60 and older to six approved wellness centers in the metro.
Spokies Dash, a new dockless bike system, includes 25 bicycles that may be picked up or dropped off in the downtown, Bricktown, Deep Deuce, Film Row, Uptown, Page Woodson, Paseo Arts District, and Plaza District areas.
On January 27, residents began moving around the city on a Sunday by bus. EMBARK and Oklahoma City officials celebrated the launch of the long-awaited seven-day service on the first day of Sunday service at Oklahoma City’s Downtown Transit Center.
2017 marks the 10th season of ferry service. Starting with just two landings and now serving four, Oklahoma River Cruises services have expanded and so have the destinations along the river.
EMBARK will use the funds to purchase six new buses to replace aging buses in the fleet. The buses will be similar to the six 40-foot CNG buses that rolled out on the street this fall.
With numerous improvements over the past several years, EMBARK was just named the “North America’s Outstanding Public Transportation System” by the American Public Transportation Association for systems providing less than 4 million annual passenger trips.
EMBARK has been awarded a grant to add a new Oklahoma River Cruise landing at the First Americans Museum, a world-class attraction and facility celebrating the culture and history of the 39 tribal nations in Oklahoma.
The Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project will be Central Oklahoma’s first BRT line and will provide a premium transit service to Northwest OKC residents through more frequent service with enhanced vehicles, stations and passenger amenities.