EMBARK operates its programs and services in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Federal Transit Administration guidelines for the provision of services to individuals with disabilities. EMBARK also operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, national origin or any other characteristic protected by law including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Every department, division, and employee of EMBARK is responsible for carrying out the agency's commitment to non-discrimination, including the requirements of Title VI.
At EMBARK, we care for our community and strive to make sure everyone in Central Oklahoma has access to the information and essential services that are critical to health, well-being, and economic opportunity. Whether it’s providing transit training courses, participating in local community events, or speaking to civic groups and neighborhood associations, EMBARK strives to be an active and accessible community partner.
Complying with the requirements of local, state and federal laws and EMBARK Purchasing Policies and Procedures, EMBARK is dedicated to ensuring full and open competition and equitable treatment of all potential sources of the procurement process (planning, solicitation, award, administration and documentation of contracts).
We aim to provide transparency and accountability for EMBARK's performance including Customer Surveys, Financial Reports, Ridership Data, and more.
At EMBARK, we’re more than a bus company. We’re a close-knit transit family that plans, schedules, operates, promotes and maintains downtown parking and the public transportation system throughout the Oklahoma City metro area. Our people have passion to be world-class transportation that is accessible to all, and all want to access it.
EMBARK and its various partners run the day-to-day under leadership of the Administrator and is governed by the Central Oklahoma Transportation & Parking Authority (COTPA) Board of Trustees. This page is a summary of laws and policies influencing our organizational governance.
On Sunday December 3 the OKC Moves Service changes go into effect including the merging of route three and route five and the launch of RAPID Northwest.
EMBARK buses serve much of the Oklahoma City metro area. Each route’s hours of operation vary, but many popular routes run about every 30 minutes during the weekday and every 60 minutes on Saturday and Sunday.
EMBARK partners with many community organizations to provide a wide range of transportation programs to meet the diverse needs of the community. Through these programs, qualified customers maintain independence and access community services by arranging their own transportation.
EMBARK's Plus paratransit service is a shared-ride public transportation and to participate you must have completed the following eligibility process.
Essential public transportation is our passion and our business. We aim to provide our customers with our best customer experience everyday — at every stop and on every bus you ride with us. Contact us anytime, for any reason. We look forward to hearing from you.
Whether it’s down the street or around the corner, now you can see exactly where your bus is on your mobile device.
Essential public transportation is our passion and our business. We aim to provide our customers with our best customer experience everyday — at every stop and on every streetcar you ride with us. Contact us anytime, for any reason. We look forward to hearing from you.
EMBARK serves the City of Norman with six scheduled fixed-route bus routes and ADA paratransit services.
Whether it’s down the street or around the corner, now you can see exactly where your bus is on your mobile device.
EMBARK's Plus paratransit service is a shared-ride public transportation and to participate you must have completed the following eligibility process.
Spokies Bikeshare is metro Oklahoma City’s bikeshare service, with 50 pedal-only and 48 e-bikes available in Downtown Oklahoma City and surrounding areas.
Fall 2024 service updates will become effective for OKC and Norman bus service on Sunday, October 27, and are intended to make service more frequent, reliable, and safe and result from operator and customer feedback.
New CNG Buses Will Replace Last Remaining Diesel Fixed-route Vehicles; Facility Design and Planning Work Will Support Expansion of Central Oklahoma’s Transit System
New bus schedules to be implemented along with RAPID NW service this fall
EMBARK is seeking input from the public on the proposed OKC Moves service changes, which include modifications to Oklahoma City bus routes planned to go into effect this fall if approved by the Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority (COTPA) Board.
OKC Moves, Planning, Service Changes, BRT, RAPID, Community Engagement, Meeting
EMBARK officials recently released findings from the 2021 Transit Rider Survey for its fixed-route bus and OKC Streetcar services.
he grant will fund a complete software replacement for EMBARK’s Mobility Management Division, which provides a range of transportation services for Central Oklahoma seniors, individuals with disabilities, low-income individuals, and other transit-dependent residents.
Grant, Mobility, Mobility Management, Partnership, Disability, Seniors
Ceremony Marks Construction Start for Bus Rapid Transit System
The New RAPID Fleet Includes Nine CNG Vehicles, Construction Starts Next Month
The Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority Board of Trustees recently approved “RAPID” as the name for EMBARK’s Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system.
The award is EMBARK’s second OTA Transit System of the Year award. EMBARK was named the North American Outstanding Public Transit System by the American Public Transportation Association in 2016.
The year-long study seeks to identify immediate and future needs while forecasting demographics, land use, and major employment development.
EMBARK, Central Oklahoma’s leading transportation provider, recently named Suzanne Wickenkamp Assistant Director of Administration and Jesse Rush Assistant Director of Operations.
Jesse Rush wins award, as he has worked to establish and advance OKC Streetcar operations since 2014.
100 New ADA Accessible Bus Shelters Have Been Installed Since Last July.
EMBARK officials recently celebrated construction beginning on its new downtown Oklahoma City parking garage at a ceremonial groundbreaking.
EMBARK wants feedback on the future parking needs for the city’s urban core, including the City Center, Automobile Alley, Arts District, Deep Deuce, Bricktown, and Midtown districts.
EMBARK awards the construction bid for a new public parking garage to Manhattan Construction Company.
New shelter represents EMBARK’s commitment to quality facilities and service enhancements.
EMBARK recently released its Fiscal Year 2016 research results revealing that investment in public transportation is important to Oklahoma City’s long-term future, while existing customers would like to see service enhancements continue.
In this plan, the NW Corridor is defined as the area that runs along North Classen Boulevard and Northwest Expressway. The goal of the concept plan is to focus on increasing mobility and healthcare access through multimodal public transportation options.
The Oklahoma City Planning Department, Oklahoma City County Health Department, the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments and EMBARK will present on the concept plan which identifies the potential for multimodal transportation in the NW Corridor.
Route 23N and 011, EMBARK crosstown bus routes, began operating until midnight on January 26 as part of an initiative to improve public transit service.
BRT has the ability to build meaningful connections among communities of people, businesses, and destinations. The Alternatives Analysis (AA) will identify the preferred route for two corridors that are critical in establishing a network of high-capacity rapid transit in Central Oklahoma.
EMBARK has been awarded a grant to add a new Oklahoma River Cruise landing at the First Americans Museum, a world-class attraction and facility celebrating the culture and history of the 39 tribal nations in Oklahoma.
OKC Moves is a Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA) with the purpose of assessing the existing conditions of transit service in Central Oklahoma and exploring ways to improve the transit system.
The Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project will be Central Oklahoma’s first BRT line and will provide a premium transit service to Northwest OKC residents through more frequent service with enhanced vehicles, stations and passenger amenities.
Projecting 10 years into the future, the Go Norman Transit Plan identified many recommendations for transit improvements in Norman. Including additional frequency, Sunday service, expanded service coverage, and expanded hours on weekdays and Saturdays, these recommendations were put into phases to help guide the City in making improvements strategically as funding becomes available.
This study provides analysis and information to help Downtown embrace new parking management practices and define how parking management can continue to evolve to serve the community.
MAPS 3 is a 10-year construction program designed to improve the quality of life in Oklahoma City.
The Greater Downtown Circulator AA was the first planning step toward carrying out the metro area’s Fixed Guideway Plan, and focused only on downtown and health center mobility.
The Fixed Guideway Plan identifies potential regional transit solutions that improve connections among metro area’s growth centers, enhance economic development opportunities, improve mobility, expand transportation options and improve air quality.
The Long Range Transit Plan's purpose was to provide a picture of the future steps and funding opportunities essential to the bus, rail, vanpool, bus stop, technology and improvements needed for the greater Oklahoma City region.