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Downtown Parking > Fare

Downtown Parking > How to Park

Downtown Parking > Troubleshooting

Downtown Parking > Accessibility & Civil Rights

EMBARK operates its programs and services in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Federal Transit Administration guidelines for the provision of services to individuals with disabilities. EMBARK also operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, national origin or any other characteristic protected by law including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Every department, division, and employee of EMBARK is responsible for carrying out the agency's commitment to non-discrimination, including the requirements of Title VI.

Downtown Parking > Find Parking

Whether you are just visiting for an hour, wanting to open a new business or you work downtown and need monthly parking, we have a solution for you!

Downtown Parking > On-Street Parking

EMBARK uses pay-by-plate parking to offer customers ease and efficiency when parking downtown. This system allows the driver to pay at the on-street electronic meter without having to return to their vehicle.

Downtown Parking > Meter Hooding

Meter hooding is a privilege extended to allow providers of commercial services and extended events to park vehicles necessary to the performance of the service, on an intermittent and temporary basis, near to the work site where off-street parking is not available or inadequate. Vehicles parked at meter hoods are permitted only as required to perform a service. Meter hooding shall not be used for general employee or convenience parking.

Downtown Parking > Contact Us

EMBARK Parking Facilities are operated by PCI Municipal Services. Their personal attention and flexibility to our industry is complimentary to EMBARK's vision to be world class transportation.

Mar 03, 2022

Downtown Parking > EMBARK Adds New Features to Parking App

Downtown garages now accept payment through their mobile parking app – Flowbird.

Dec 21, 2020

Downtown Parking > EMBARK Launches Mobile On-Street Parking App

Earlier this year, the City of Oklahoma City and EMBARK announced the selection of Flowbird to provide a smart parking solution offering a fast, easy, and secure option to pay for on-street parking via a mobile device.

Jun 22, 2012

Downtown Parking > New Parking Meters Will Change the Way You Pay

With the addition of more than 600 on-street parking spots resulting from downtown street renovations, the Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority and Project 180 decided to retire the old coin meter for a more advanced “pay station” in the newly streetscaped area.

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