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RAPID > Operations

Apr 20, 2023

RAPID > EMBARK Marks Earth Day 2023 with Free Transit, Progress on Converting Bus Fleet to Alternative Fuel

Public invited to try transit and ride bus and streetcar free on Saturday, April 22

Apr 22, 2021

RAPID > Free EMBARK Rides Offered in Observation of Earth Day on April 23

In celebration of Earth Day, EMBARK today unveiled its new Clean Natural Gas Facility along with the state’s first electric fixed-route bus and charging stations that will serve Central Oklahoma residents.

Sep 09, 2016

RAPID > Last 2016 Third Friday Free with EMBARK

EMBARK has done its part to help reduce pollution during ozone alert season by encouraging metro residents to take a free ride every third Friday from May through September.

Aug 19, 2016

RAPID > EMBARK Launches New Spokies Bikes & Stations

EMBARK launched major upgrades to the Spokies bike share system, by adding 50 new Trek bikes to the fleet and joining the national BCycle network.

Apr 21, 2015

RAPID > Earth Day: The Perfect Time to Rethink Driving Habits

When temperatures rise in Oklahoma, so do ozone levels. Simply leaving your car at home for the day can make a huge impact. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, every gallon of gasoline you use releases 20 pounds of carbon dioxide, a major contributor to ozone.

Jun 18, 2014

RAPID > Ozone Season Underway

Hot temperatures, calm winds and sunshine with no cloud cover are the ingredients for an ozone alert day. As Oklahoma enters ozone alert season, citizens are asked to do their part to keep pollution down.

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