Transit Advertising is a cost-effective way to reach prospective customers with large-as-life messages that they simply can't ignore.
Complying with the requirements of local, state and federal laws and EMBARK Purchasing Policies and Procedures, EMBARK is dedicated to ensuring full and open competition and equitable treatment of all potential sources of the procurement process (planning, solicitation, award, administration and documentation of contracts).
Filming and photoshoots are permitted on board the OKC Streetcar and at OKC Streetcar designated stops; However, please contact us to discuss your particular needs as restrictions may apply.
Support Our Sponsors! OKC Streetcar advertising and sponsorships are a key strategy for local business and corporate partners to build connections with OKC residents and visitors. Streetcar media can build awareness for your brand and drive results like sales, visits, web traffic, and other key metrics.
Awards recognize human trafficking intervention, agency marketing campaign, bus operations, and more
Winning Ad Explored Agency’s Employee-Driven Transformation Plan
Video Ad Raised Awareness About Safe Transit Services During Pandemic
Downtown Discovery has operated since 2011 at no cost to customers. Incorporating a small fare now helps offset the cost to operate the service.
With more than 10,000 people using EMBARK buses every day, we thought this would be a great opportunity to help reach a large segment of the population.