Transit Advertising is a cost-effective way to reach prospective customers with large-as-life messages that they simply can't ignore.
At EMBARK, we’re more than a bus company. We’re a close-knit transit family that plans, schedules, operates, promotes and maintains downtown parking and the public transportation system throughout the Oklahoma City metro area. Our people have passion to be world-class transportation that is accessible to all, and all want to access it.
Whether you’re following your regular commute route or on your way to a movie or meet up with friends, public transit is a key part of your day and no one can spot something suspicious or out of place better than you.
EMBARK partners with many community organizations to provide a wide range of transportation programs to meet the diverse needs of the community. Through these programs, qualified customers maintain independence and access community services by arranging their own transportation.
OKC Streetcar allows for private charters, and Free Fare Day partnerships for groups and special events.
Simply, park in one of our garages and your parking receipt is your ticket for two to ride the RAPID and the OKC Streetcar for FREE all day!
If you ride public transportation often, for your daily commute or weekend meetups, public transit is a key part of your day. You know what normal looks like for public transit so when something doesn’t seem right, let us know so we can stop crime before it starts.
Filming and photoshoots are permitted on board the OKC Streetcar and at OKC Streetcar designated stops; However, please contact us to discuss your particular needs as restrictions may apply.
Support Our Sponsors! OKC Streetcar advertising and sponsorships are a key strategy for local business and corporate partners to build connections with OKC residents and visitors. Streetcar media can build awareness for your brand and drive results like sales, visits, web traffic, and other key metrics.
EMBARK serves the City of Norman with six scheduled fixed-route bus routes and ADA paratransit services.
Whether you’re following your regular commute route or on your way to a movie or meet up with friends, public transit is a key part of your day and no one can spot something suspicious or out of place better than you.
EMBARK Parking manages five parking garages, five surface lots, and on-street metered parking.
EMBARK is expanding its award-winning Climb Ride program to support youth ages 17 to 24 participating in Pivot's Transitional Living Program (TLP).
EMBARK's Mobility Management Administrator/ADA Coordinator,Dr. Marilyn Dillon, has been honored by the Lynn Institute for Healthcare Research and the Healthy Hopeful Community Collaborative for her work to improve community healthand mobilityoptions in Oklahoma City, especially for vulnerable populations.
he grant will fund a complete software replacement for EMBARK’s Mobility Management Division, which provides a range of transportation services for Central Oklahoma seniors, individuals with disabilities, low-income individuals, and other transit-dependent residents.
Grant, Mobility, Mobility Management, Partnership, Disability, Seniors
Ceremony Marks Construction Start for Bus Rapid Transit System
Climb Ride Program Report Links Public Transit to Positive Child Welfare Case Outcomes
If you believe you may have information about a trafficking situation, call 1-888-373-7888, text 233733, submit an anonymous tip online at
EMBARK is now offering free transportation for seniors 60+ who are victims of white-collar crimes.
The award is EMBARK’s second OTA Transit System of the Year award. EMBARK was named the North American Outstanding Public Transit System by the American Public Transportation Association in 2016.
In celebration of Earth Day, EMBARK today unveiled its new Clean Natural Gas Facility along with the state’s first electric fixed-route bus and charging stations that will serve Central Oklahoma residents.
Oklahoma County residents age 60 and older who qualify for a vaccination appointment are now able to schedule a free trip to and from their vaccination site with EMBARK.
EMBARK, Central Oklahoma’s leading transportation provider, recently named Suzanne Wickenkamp Assistant Director of Administration and Jesse Rush Assistant Director of Operations.
Earlier this year, the City of Oklahoma City and EMBARK announced the selection of Flowbird to provide a smart parking solution offering a fast, easy, and secure option to pay for on-street parking via a mobile device.
EMBARK has successfully arranged a contract amendment with long-time partner Hornblower Marine Services (HMS), to restore partial operations of Oklahoma River Cruises next month through a public private partnership.
OKC Streetcar tracking map is now accessible by mobile devices and desktop computers.
EMBARK and SendaRide are working together to give seniors greater access to local wellness centers and public transit.
Local partnerships continue serving seniors throughout COVID-19.
The installation, designed by glass artist Martin Donlin, will wrap three walls of the parking garage currently under construction in the new Park Union District at 15 SW 4th street in downtown Oklahoma City, near the Omni Convention Center Hotel, MAPS3 Convention Center, Scissortail Park, and Chesapeake Arena.
Modified Schedule Starts April 5 to Preserve Access to Essential Services
The service is free, provided by EMBARK through a grant-funded partnership with Areawide Aging Agency, with funding through the federal Older Americans Act.
The app, which will now begin development and does not yet have a name, will let users pay for the City’s metered on-street parking spaces in the downtown area on the spot with their phone.
EMBARK will begin offering free non-emergency medical trips to qualified Canadian County residents in 2020, thanks to a grant from Areawide Aging Agency.
EMBARK Plans OKC Streetcar Celebration Activities During December
EMBARK and other partners are adjusting the free grocery shuttle service in northeast Oklahoma City as part of ongoing efforts to meet needs in the short- and long-term fight against the food desert crisis.
EMBARK awards the construction bid for a new public parking garage to Manhattan Construction Company.
New shelter represents EMBARK’s commitment to quality facilities and service enhancements.
EMBARK’s Board of Trustees awarded a contract Friday with Herzog Transit Services, Inc. for the start-up, operation and maintenance of the seven-vehicle Oklahoma City Streetcar system that's expected to begin passenger service in late 2018.
Rideshare is a program where EMBARK leases an SUV or a van to a group who wants to ride together to and from work and share a similar schedule.
With numerous improvements over the past several years, EMBARK was just named the “North America’s Outstanding Public Transportation System” by the American Public Transportation Association for systems providing less than 4 million annual passenger trips.
Due to budgetary reductions resulting from a decline in municipal sales tax revenue, the Central Oklahoma Transportation and Parking Authority (COTPA) is proposing to eliminate a contracted transportation service known as LINK.
The City of Oklahoma City 2015-16 fiscal year budget was approved Tuesday by the City Council and includes $29.5 million for public transit, including an additional $250,000 for system improvements.