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Contact Us

Essential public transportation is our passion and our business. We aim to provide our customers with our best customer experience everyday — at every stop and on every streetcar you ride with us. Contact us anytime, for any reason. We look forward to hearing from you.


Visit the Help Center to submit comments, concerns and ask questions or download the EMBARK Connect app to submit requests, report issues, or ask questions.


Call us at 405-235-RIDE (7433). Staff is available Monday - Friday from 7:30 am - 8 pm, and Saturday from 9 am - 5 pm. The call center is closed on Sundays with limited hours on holidays.

TTY - If you utilize a teletypewriter (TTY) or computer equipment with TTY capabilities to place phone calls, you may now dial 711 to reach Relay Oklahoma for free communication assistance with EMBARK. Simply give the Relay Oklahoma operator the EMBARK Customer Relations number (405) 235-7433. The Relay Oklahoma operator will provide communication assistance to you on your TTY device while speaking with EMBARK staff.


Attn: Customer Care
2000 S. May
Oklahoma City, OK 73108


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