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Film & Photography

Filming and photoshoots are permitted on board the OKC Streetcar and at OKC Streetcar designated stops; However, please contact us to discuss your particular needs as restrictions may apply.

Do I need a permit?

  • NO - A permit is not required for non-commercial, personal-use filming or photography by the general public using a hand-held camera, that does not interfere with transit operations or safety.
  • YES - If you wish to film or photograph on OKC Streetcar property or vehicles while engaged in a commercial, educational or non-profit activity, a signed permit and acceptable insurance certificates are required. Submit your Film & Photography Permit Application at least 14 days prior to your proposed first shoot. A fee may apply.
  • MEDIA - The news media frequently requests to access EMBARK’s facilities to interview customers and staff. Media personnel are allowed to ride free, but may not interfere with the safe operation of vehicles or services. For safety reasons, media is not allowed to interview operators while in service. Interviews with EMBARK staff must be coordinated through the Public Information Officer.

How does it work?

  1. Submit a fully completed application & a copy of insurance to
  2. Schedule Track Access Safety Training. This is required by our Board, the state of Oklahoma, and the Federal Transit Authority.

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