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2023 Go Norman Transit Plan

Projecting 10 years into the future, the Go Norman Transit Plan identified many recommendations for transit improvements in Norman. Including additional frequency, Sunday service, expanded service coverage, and expanded hours on weekdays and Saturdays, these recommendations were put into phases to help guide the City in making improvements strategically as funding becomes available.

The first phase of recommended improvements is to revamp the current route network to better serve existing areas within or near the existing budget. On September 27, 2022 City Council unanimously approved and acknowledged a Public Participation Process for service changes as identified in the Go Norman Transit Plan.

A Public Comment Period was held between October 30, 2022 through November 21, 2022, and the feedback received was compiled in a report to the City of Norman Council. On December 13, 2022, the City of Norman Council passed a resolution approving the changes and authorizing staff to move forward with implementation. The transition to the planned services is anticipated to occur in August 2023. Updates will be made available on this page as they are available.

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